Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Love Must Be Tough ...!

Love must be TOUGH
Love must be CONFIDENT
Love must be FREE
Love must have RESPECT

What do you guys say? Do you agree? If yes, why?
Feel free to comment and have your say! :-)


Steve said...

I fully agree and learn from my youth leader's teaching.. After all I have no experience and she has loads of them...

Unknown said...

Love must be all those things and more I'd say. Why I would say that would be that those are characters of love and it isn't if it isn't all that. Hope that makes sense...

Unknown said...

There's nothing else to say except that Love is only what the Bible says it is.
God is love. And that kind of love cannot be comprehended by our cretinous, finite, human minds. Not by friends, not by parents, not by spouses.. no one. The knowledge of the love that we currently know of, isn't even half of the kind of love that God loves us with. And THAT, is how we ought to love each other, and we can ONLY do that through Christ!